Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Post 10: English language challenges

This is the end, my only friend the end…
Just like Jim Morrison said, this is the end, this is the last post of the blog guys, I know that all my loyal fans are going to feel really bad but as the saying says ie!
ut thang to feel badhe last blog guys, I know that all my l of them, I hope to see them in the summer because any of C’est la vie! Also I have to say that is the end of my English course so, I can’t lie to you I feel awesome hahah.
I liked the English classes at university, the use of blogs was new for me so I really liked, I think this was an interesting way of learning English. At the beginning it was some kind of boring but then it turns like a custom thing that you finally enjoy.
 I think there’s a lot things I have to improve about my English, aspects like vocabulary and fluency in the oral part, and many of grammatical details I have to correct, I used to be really really good with grammatical but over the years there’s some things you missed in the course.
Outside the English class I use English generally for signing songs and watch some movies, but specially in music, Im always signing hahaha, but I really could use much more of English because my grandmother came from USA like two or three years ago but she didn’t talk to me in English L I don’t really ask her to talk to me en English neither.. L
Well these paragraphs resume all my English life hahaha, hope you enjoy it because it was the last (I hope so) hhah, BYE BYE! I love you all J

Post 9: Good and bad points of 2013

Hello classmates, well this is almost the last post of the blog, and I have to do some king of evaluation of this year 2013.
This year wasn’t very different or special actually, the university was good, in the past semester I was laboratory assistant for the “CICBAE” classes (something like botany, morphology and taxonomy all in one class) and there was very interesting and funny, because I really like to teach and I love plants and that stuff so I really enjoyed that, but in this semesters schedule didn’t allow me to be assistant anymore. In the current semester I’ve learn a lot of new things, and I've done very well in classes related to ecology and vegetal formations, but not so good in math and statistics but the marks are decent.
About my family, there were a lot of different events that makes me and my family feel many emotions, but there are all personal things. In general all my family is good and happy, luckily there was no bad news for us this year.
This year I didn’t visit my ex-school friends so much in contrast of past year and I really miss all of them, I hope to see them in the summer because any of us has much time because of the university, but anyway I shared more with another friends and I went to different places, festivals and music concerts :D so social life was very good this year, except for my love life because I broke up with my boyfriend this year, but I’m really easy about it and we still been friends J

I almost forget that I've got a tattoo this year!

Well that’s all, a little bit boring but it was my year hahah good bye!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Post 7 : A career-related article

Hello everyone, today I have to write about an article of my interest, related to my career, So I found something very interesting. I found an article about Habitat restoration.

Habitat Restoration

There are many factors that can change the ecosystem producing fragmentation and destruction.  Ecological restoration is a process that accelerates the recovery of destroyed ecosystems. The main object of habitat restoration is that the destroyed ecosystem be self-sufficient.
To restore habitats there are some steps:
1.       To identify the processes that degraded the ecosystem
2.       Create some methods to stop these processes
3.       To define realistic objects
4.       To develop some techniques to catch the goals
5.       To communicate and document the progress

A project of restoration have to has enough time for its development, and it has to be about recover the diversity and functionality in a ecosystem, ecologically and genetically talking, witouh forgetting the landscape. In habitat restoration, you must favour the connection between reforested areas with plantations, with the object to make ecological corridors for animals, and in this way, avoid genetical problems like endogamy.

In my personal opinion, I think these are very important because deforestation is a reality. Preserve and restore the ecosystem is very important for us, for the human well-being but more important, for all the living beings to maintain the equilibrium of all the interactions that are produced in an ecosystem.

Bye bye!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Post 4 : Climate Change

Hello readers, today I’m going to talk about the article “New IPCC Report Strengthens Certainty of Climate Change”.

This article talks about a climate report that reaffirms what scientists says about de Climate Change. Basically, they confirm that humans are causing global warming, and these global warming produces climate changes that will get worse with the passage of time.

The information in the report is really alarming, it says that the Ice is melting faster, the ocean is becoming more acidic, and weather patterns are changing, and these entire things are happening right now. Also, as some scientist says, all the people is going to evidenced a increased frequency in heat waves, and that will affects both people and ecosystems.

As a conclusion, the article says that in spite of efforts to roll our more efficient cars and solar panels, carbon dioxide emissions continue to increase year after year. And give us the following fact: In 2011, humans emitted 9.5 gigatons of carbon, up 54 percent over the 1990 level.

Personally, I think global warming and climate change –both go hand in hand, obviously- is a relevant topic that concerns us all, because we are all part of this ecosystem called ‘Planet Earth’ and I think we have to care about it. Anyway there’s so many industries that contribute for climate change and we can almost do nothing about it … that’s makes me sad.

Bye bye!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Post 3 : How to stop desertification

Hello readers, today I’m going to talk about such an interesting video called “How to green the world’s desert and reverse the climate change” by Allan Savory. In the video, Allan Savory talks -from his experience- about how to stop desertification, explaining how they arrived at these conclusions after several investigations, including some previous misconceptions.

I think that the topic under discussion is very outstanding and every single person should be informed about this, because we are largely responsible for the climate change and it is an issue that concerns us all as living beings belonging to the ecosystem.

About the solution given by Allan Savory, It makes sense to me; after all, through all our history man has always tried to imitate nature with its perfectly balanced mechanism, sometimes incomprehensible to us. The idea to imitate nature seems to be right, but I have to recognize that I’m not agree even with the concept of “cattle”, it contrasts somewhat to my ideals and my ethics, and I wonder what the consequences will raise this amount of cattle? What will happen to all of them after recover the vegetation? I would like to read more about this topic to have a better opinion, a more informed one.

That’s all, see you J

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Post 2: Majors in Forestry

Hello readers haha,
Well, before all I came back with the blogs for de English course, now i'm on level B1+ so I hope my writting was better too haha..

Majors in Forestry: first, I have to clarify that -according to what I heard- in the new "Curriculum for competition" there's no majors, we all are Foresters without differences but of course in life you can specialize anyway, outside or inside your career, so I would like to specialize myself in something associated with Ecology, Conservation of nature, maybe something like Zoology and I also like Botany. All these issues in relation with my career, but, in the other hand I would like to do something more artistic too, because I rally love to draw so who knows, maybe someday I will do some work of art.
I also love sports too, so I dont leave a side the idea of practicing running professionally.

Anyway, those are my interests and I think that you never knows what the destiny has prepared for you, so I dont know if if these interests are gonna change or maybe I will leave the university jajja (but is very unlikely because I like this career jaja :)

That's all, see you in the next blog :)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Post 10: Your Blogging Experience

Today is my final Blog! Yes! This is the end, my only friend the end (8) And it's about my blogging experience! Oh how to start....
This experience has been .. but funny, I've never thought have a Blog and I've never imagined myself writing and having followers, I feel like a rockstar with a lot of fans hahahah Ok not but It was a funny experience :)
Anyway I have some complaints because I'm a whiny person: We never wrote about food! and food is one of my favourite topics, I would like to talk about some restaurants and "picás" that I know (people who know me knows I always recommend vegan and good places haha). Also we never wrote about hobbies or sports then I could have boasted about my athletic skills Jaja (just kidding..) So I think in the future we have to have a free-topic blog! haha.
About the english learning in blogging experience I can say that it was an interactively way of studying english! it was a little bit funniest than other learning methods I've been practice in my life like singing songs or give a discourse, so I would like that this method have been perpetuated in time but I would add some corrections to know what we are wrong.
Well that's all Bye bye! :)

Post 9 : Your Favourite Subject

Hello everyone! Today I'm gonna talk to you about my favourite subject in this term...
I think that this semester has been little bit more difficult than last year, maybe 'cause last year we had anual subjects, but anyway I like having semester subjects, is less risky if you dont pass one.
Well, my favourite subject was "Growth and development of trees". I thik it was so interesting, we start learning about organology, histology, water and nutrient transport, phytohormones, stresses and stem analysis. It's surprisingly all the information you can obtain just analyzing the trees' stem! and understand the dynamic inside a plant or tree, how his mechanics and metabolism works and how it responds to certain stimulus! I think its really interesting.
We had also study the Anatomy of wood, microscopically it was interesting but macroscopically it was beautiful !! haha :) Anyway I prefer living trees than wood but I cannot deny that wood is beautiful (specially its grain) and, after all, its going to be our greatest source of employment because we are foresters.
That's all dear readers, see you in the next post!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Post 8: Your future job

Hello again dear friends, so much time without writting a blog! well, today I have to talk about my expectations for a future job and a future life. 

When I think about the future I used to imagine my life without a job haha so I dont really have something planned, but something that I'm really sure is -first- that happyness is more important than money. I wouldnt want to earn lots of money if I'm going to be an unhappy and miserable. Second: My biggest interesest are closed to the conservation and botanical area, I would also like to study all the ecosystem's components and their relationships 'cause I really love animals too :D Its may sounds little nerd but I really enjoy knowledge and understand how things works, especially in nature, from a small cell to the whole ecosystem functioning. I'm full of questions (and I think thats a strength, because there is nothing worse than being conformist and not to question)

Now talking about a nearest future, If you ask me if I have planned to take a major after my graduate, the answer is yes. I would love to specialize my career in Botanical, Zoology or Ecology and I would like to be in the south of Chile (Concepción University or Austral University may be good options) or abroad. Anyway I would like to know and live different realities, learn  much things from experiences and share all the knowlegde.

Before ending my todays blog, I would like to write a famous phrase that I really like and its about job: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” - Confucius.
Well, I think thats all, I hope you enjoyed it and see you in classes, Bye bye.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Post 7: A photograph

Hello classmates, well today I had to choose a picture and talk about it and I have to say that it was SO MUCH DIFFICULT! Because I really love to take and to see pictures!! In fact, some time ago I used to go out and take pictures almost every day. With that said, I can continue with the chosen one.

This photo, even if you cannot see it, is a visual record about my experience with Mapuche people in the South of Chile. It was taken for a very closed friend (in these time, my boyfriend) in Curarrehue, a really beautiful little town in IX Araucania Region.

In the photo you can see a pot over a big stove, well, let me tell us that inside of that the pot used to be some of the better “Sopaipillas” that I ever eat! If you don’t know, “Sopaipillas” are like paste made with flour and pumpkins, but Mapuches’ sopaipillas are different because it doesn’t have pumpkin, just flour, water, salt and oil. But that’s not all, they were eaten with the best company because Mapuche people are so welcoming, they make you feel like you’re at home.

I would love to came back these place, it was such an amazing experience to share with indigenous people and know about their lifestyle, culture and their handcraft. We practically live together and share our cultures, so I really learned a lot of thing that you only can learn living the experience yourself. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Post 4 : Your Favourite Films

Hello Friends! Today I'm gonna talk about my favorite director: Quentin Tarantino.

Quentin Tarantino is an American film director, producer, screenwriter and actor, in fact, he always appears on his movies a short period! I really like that!
Talking about his movies. Tarantino's movies used to be nonlinear storylines (that means non-chronological order) and this peculiarity way of done a film it's very interesting for me, because I think that nonlinear stories are closer to the human mind, memory and subconscious. Also it's makes films more complex to understand and therefore more interesting!

Some of their most popular films are: Reservoir Dogs (released on early 1990s) the first as a Independient filmmaker and recognized "Greatest independent film of all Time" by Empire magazine.
Pulp Fiction (1994) his second film that boosted his popularity, and also considered as one of the greatest films of all time.
Kill Bill Vol.1(2003) y Vol.2 (2004) according to me, are their most popular films and my favorites. These are revenge movies that contains a lot of Chinese martial arts, violence and crime. But that's not all the movies are about, because the story behind the characters makes these movies a complex of details and interpretations.

So, as a conclusion, I recommend you, if you don't know him (I really doubt it!) to watch their movies. One of the most recently is Death Proof (2007) that's very entertaining and simple, so you can start watching it or just watch some of their works of art I mentioned  above.

See ya :)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Post 3: About Chilebosque

Hi friends, well here I bring to you a website you'll probably gonna use: Chilebosque.

In Chilebosque's website we can find some sections like: Trees, bushes, cactus, herbs, likens, ferns, etc. And when you click on one of these sections, chilebosque provides you the list of native species of your elected section.

Also you can find some information like Regional Flora, database, maps, e-books and a complete list of all the Chilean native flora, so this website is gonna be very useful if you are studying forestall engineer, just like me.

Personally, I really like chilebosque's website 'cause flora is very interesting for me and I really enjoy knowing a little more about the Chilean native flora. I always look the pictures of some of my favorites: "Alstroemerias" and "Orquídeas".
Also, this website as been very useful for some works I have to do for university like the herbarium, and I used some e-books like "the red book of Chilean flora" for others works. 

Link: http://www.chilebosque.cl/

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Post 2: Expo Tatto 2013 Review

Hello, this is my story... I have to write BLOG 2 again so now I’m gonna talk about an exhibition (If it can be named exhibition), hope you enjoy it!
Expo Tattoo 2013
Well, Expo Tattoo 2013 was realized on Factoria Italia, Santiago. This exposition (as the name already indicates) was about tattoos, and it counts with the participation of inkers from all the countries (specially Brazilians and North Americans). It was an amazing experience to have the opportunity to know the inkers and watch their work in live.
I really like drawings so I really felt inspired and amazed when I saw all the sketches, designs, art, drawings and paintings there J and I felt hugeeeeee wins of being inked just right there is these moment, but It is a little expensive so I couldn’t been inked but maybe in the future I can get a tattoo, I hope so!.
See you later! J

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Post 1: And.. What about me again !

Hello everyone, I'm Bárbara Hernández and I'm here writing another autobiography.
Well, My life hasn't changed so much, I'm still 18 years old but the 19's are so closed beacuse my birthday's on Aprill 11th. I still living in the quiet and peaceful Talagante :)
Now my sister has 4 years old, I really love it, she is like my little monkey hahaha (she is with me in the picture).

Well, my lifestyle changed a little bit until the last autobiography, now I am vegan so I dont eat any food coming from animals and now I know so much more about nutrition and food recipes!
I still enjoying go out with my friends and practice cycling (cross country).

Hope you liked my new autobiography, Bye :)